Flavia is used to being effortlessly beautiful but with age, women have to remember to always put in the work.

Your twenties tend to be one of the most carefree periods of your life. Your skin has an almost magical elasticity, your eyes are bright, and your metabolism tends to be on your side but all good things come to an end once you cross over to dirty thirty.

Sexy Flavia in her 20s

Dirty 30, as we informally refer to it, is a phase and stage in life where people, especially women, are supposed to have found themselves enough to start the walk towards 40. The dirty three zero is a realisation age, unapologetically.

At 30 we all officially begin to look older and duller so graceful aging is not something every woman gets to enjoy unless they put in the effort to look good.

There is no doubt that some women are simply genetically predisposed to a more gradual ageing process (e.g. don’t get a lot of wrinkles).

Flavia in her 30s

However, the way in which you age can also be greatly affected by various environmental factors.

Graceful ageing and amazing complexion are attributed to lifestyle and genes. Staying out of the sun, and drinking enough water each day replenishes your skin’s tissue and cells, allowing for younger and healthier-looking skin.

Another key to maintaining a youthful appearance is to simply get some rest! When you sleep, your body continuously releases hormones that promote cell turnover and renewal.

Sexy Flavia

Enjoy your twenties effortlessly and don’t forget that reverse ageing in your thirties can only be achieved by a healthy lifestyle

As early as your 20s,  adopt a healthy lifestyle, the goal is to prevent signs of ageing, and taking steps to reverse signs is often much more difficult and much more expensive in your 30s.