As soon as a woman turns 30, people start reminding her constantly about her biological clock because she has a shorter window to have a family.

By age 30, women are referred to as old, expired, and crucified for not being married or having children at that age. All people say is you’re 30, single, no kids? The clock is ticking.

Is this whole narrative of women having a biological clock and men having a financial clock shifting in this new era?

Angella Katatumba is one of the Ugandan women who stands strong on the narrative, “Money isn’t everything, but everything needs money.” She has opted for the financial clock instead of the biological clock.

“There’s no relevance in issues to do with age; just know I’m young enough to do what I want and to have kids when I want. I have the choice to wait, and no one is going to put me under pressure because the whole society is done giving birth. What are you waiting for? No,  I will do things when I want and when God decides,” said Angella Katatumba.

Angella Katatumba

Before, it was believed that chasing personal success was elective for a woman but mandatory for a man, which is why marriage was elective for men but necessary for women. It’s still perceived that men have a choice to wait and women don’t.

This has driven many women to think that they have a deadline for childbirth, mainly due to menopause.

However, with increasing technology, we see women freezing their eggs or embryos and busy women opting for surrogates.

Egg and embryo freezing is a method of preserving a woman’s fertility so she can try to have children at a later date.

The standard storage period for eggs and embryos is ten years from the date of freeze, up to a maximum of 55 years.

Egg freezing services are available in Uganda at Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre, Lifesure Fertility and Gynecology Centre, and many other fertility clinics.

This change in trend has more women chasing their dreams, working on their careers, and settling down to have families later in life.

Women worrying about their biological clock is now a thing of the past with innovations like egg freezing and surrogates that many women are currently opting for.

A woman can now put childbirth on hold and conceive whenever she is ready due to the availability of these innovations, which are helping them rewind their biological clock.

Giving birth is a social obligation passed on from generation to generation, and a woman is judged harshly when she says no to childbirth.

Women have not fully put off childbirth but have found a way around this without having to race with the clock. This is helping them thrive in their personal lives and careers.