100 years ago, if a woman was feeling aroused and wanted intercourse, she was diagnosed with hysteria and shamed for it.

Today,  we are still picking up pieces from women who are still feeling so much shame when it comes to embodying their sexuality.

The goal is to experience pleasure and healthy intimacy with our lovers, but many are shy when it comes to asking for what they desire.

We attribute this to fear of bruising a partner’s ego, fear of being judged, and sometimes they don’t know what they really want.

You can’t force a flower to blossom; it is only a woman who can make herself open up, and this comes when trust starts to build up and she feels safe with him.

Women find it hard to truly enjoy sex because they are expected to perform instead of truly enjoying their bodies and the moment.

The whole idea of “women’s vaginas are different” has made women more competitive for men and performative in the bedroom for the sake of the man while forgetting to please themselves.

Almost everything about sex is also about the body; sexuality is an inherent part of an embodied self.

Embodying your sexuality is about tracking, connecting, feeling, sensing, and staying present to what arises during sexual explorations.

For women to fully accept themselves and embrace the wholeness of who they are, they must invest their time in exploring their sexuality.

Embodying your sexuality is a timeless quality of beauty, sexiness, and power. Life is about seeking satisfaction and enjoyment at all times, and society shouldn’t dictate how one should do that.