We all have to admit that these three showed a whole lot of maturity in their parenting styles. Their understanding of how to handle a family and kids is what separates boys from men.

Zari The boss lady, Diamond Platinum, and Shakib have caused a storm on social media after being seen hanging out all three together with the kids at the airport.

A blended family or stepfamily forms when you and your partner make a life together with the children from one or both of your previous relationships.

The process of forming a new, blended family can be both a rewarding and challenging experience, but most of the time they find themselves in complicated situations.

How else is a blended family going to work if these three can’t stand being in the same place? Diamond is the father of the kids, but Shakib is now Zari’s husband, and both have roles to play in the children’s lives.

Diamond and Shakib demonstrated responsibility, sensitivity, and consideration towards each other. Having the ability to change and adapt to circumstances is important for any relationship to work.

The world is evolving, yet here we are still making a fuss about adults who choose to peacefully co-parent, which is the ethically right thing to do.

Ugandans are still stuck in the old-fashioned way of parenting, where it’s unheard of for two separate families to come together and have a meal or do an activity together for the sake of the children.

Fellow men are calling it a generation of weak men simply because many are choosing to do the right thing, which is to be parents to kids who aren’t biologically related to them.

Which is better, your wife or husband secretly communicating with their baby daddy or doing it openly?

Apart from being toxic, I don’t see why two men who have no qualms about being in each other’s company for the kids and a woman they both respect should be a problem to anyone.

It’s all normal when a man invites his current wife and ex-wife to a social gathering, but all hell breaks loose when a woman dishes the same.

Society has conditioned men to think they can get away with anything and women can’t, but at least we forget the odds keep changing as the bets come in.

When Zari dishes out what men have been dishing all this time, society is quick to judge and crucify her.

Comments on Twitter clearly show that most people lack understanding and have double standards when it comes to some cases.

“Last time I saw a man marrying seven wives and the world was happy, let’s maintain the same happiness this time, please!” ‪@UGLawyer

“Shakib is like one of their sons, the older one.@ElvisKSam1

“Ekintu nga akiwanise from mujjawo ssi muyekera to musanji wo ssimuyekera.” @ShalomPropUg

“My sister just said Shakib is a man like the one Kim K hired for her son.” ‪@emilynick1

“That is why I tell my boys to work hard and to never venture into the marriage business when they are financially impotent. You become what the Ganda people call “ekyaana kikalisa”. literally, a fed child. You will look for a woman who will feed you, and you are nothing.” ‪@mwebe3

Most people attribute Shakib’s behavior to the fact that he is being fed by Zari, and so she has him on remote control. But let’s not forget that Shakib is simply doing what is ethically right.

All this is a plus for Shakib; we all know that the easiest way to a single mother’s heart is through her kids. Love her kids, and she will love you back even more.

Children deserve to grow up in love, peace, respect, and unity. The maturity the three exhibited can only be achieved by those who truly respect each other and understand what a non-toxic relationship is like.