As a first child, it is hard to dodge black tax, the pressure on you is much higher than the pressure placed upon your younger siblings.

It has been normalized for an adult who is somehow established to give a helping hand back home.

Parents make sacrifices to give their children a brighter future such as giving them an education and in return expect the children to take care of the family in the future.

Black tax is a term that originated in South Africa to describe the financial burden borne by Black people who have achieved a level of success and provide support to less financially secure family members.

However, in Uganda, the concept of “black tax” is more often referred to as a family obligation rather than a financial burden.

It involves giving money to parents, siblings, or other family members, paying for their basic needs, or letting them live in your house at no charge.

In Uganda, paying the black tax is seen as a responsibility of being a true Ugandan citizen, and it is expected to be paid on time when called upon

Sometimes you wish you could say no or I can’t this month, but this is not an option for most people, their families really depend on them.

Most times, should the “taxed” fail to meet expectations, family members who feel neglected may lose trust in them, cause disputes or it may cause a loss of social status for their family.

These expenses mean that the Ugandan professional with poorer relatives is unable to save as much money as another person who is paid the same but who does not have the same familial financial pressures.

This causes financial stress among those affected, all in the name of “Ubuntu”, it also affects the quality of life they live, sleeping patterns and productivity at work.

Is black tax a bottomless pit, or can we bring a halt to this cash drainer?

Realising that the black tax is your financial sinkhole is the first step to fighting this culture that has been going on for centuries.

Empower your people back home. Besides giving them free money, look for a sustainable way they can earn a living on their own, if it means starting up a business for them, do exactly that.

Make a budget, this helps you plan better and know how much upkeep you’re going to give each person at the end of the month. This helps you to plan accordingly and manage expectations.

Put aside a certain percentage of your earnings for yourself. Sometimes we give and give while putting our own needs on hold. If you don’t take care and set yourself up for the future first, it will be hard to help those doing much worse than you.

Planning for retirement so that children do not carry your financial burden on their backs when you’re old and can’t earn a living

The black tax exists because of historical factors such as segregation, discrimination, redlining, and other practices that have kept Black populations from accumulating wealth.

With its existence, we are all headed towards hell in a handbasket, it’s upon us to fight this awful culture so that future generations don’t have this setback.