Men in their late 30s and early 40s are normally married or in the pipeline. If you’re seeing a man in this age bracket, there’s a 90% chance you’re the side chick.

Men in this age bracket have been through life, know what women want, and are willing to give exactly that.

No one is as persistent and intentional as a married man who’s out there to get you; only your morals can keep you in check.

They are very calculative and will have you committing in no time. Entertain them long enough; you’re trapped in the side chick position.

All married men have a similar trend: they love bomb you in the beginning, but when they realize you are emotionally invested, they pull back.

What is love bombing?

Love bombing is an abuse tactic used to lure or keep someone in a relationship. It often involves intense displays of affection, attention, and admiration with the intent to manipulate you.

Love bombing can be used in different ways and for either positive or negative purposes.

Married men have taken the provider role a notch higher. Ask a married man for anything, and you will have it ASAP.

Many female-owned boutiques and saloon businesses live to see their second birthdays because married men facilitate the side hustles with rent money.

They have enabled Kampala girls to live a lifestyle and live in apartments that most can’t afford on their own.

Married men know their state and will use money to their advantage. They already know they are offering the side chick breadcrumbs, so they will try their best to fill that void financially and emotionally.

No woman in their right mind would pick a married man over an unmarried man, and they are well aware of that.

Don’t be shocked when you receive the most; it’s just their way of compensating you for what they can’t fully give.

The downside to this is that you always have to be on the lookout; things can go south anytime, and before you know it, you will be hijacked and getting beaten up by his wife.

Your friends should be ready to turn into a panel of judges or counselors.

The majority of men are polygamous, and some of them will say it to your face anytime, any day.

Married men are the most single people you will ever meet, and the uniformity of their script is top-notch.

This group is surely having monthly or weekly meetings; that’s the only way they are able to conform to the teachings.

We have all heard at least one or more married men use these common lines:

“I will leave my wife for you.”

“Me being married has absolutely nothing to do with my love for you.”

“Oh this? LOL, it’s just a promise ring. don’t worry.”

“I don’t even sleep in the same room with my wife; I don’t even love her.”

“I’m finalizing my divorce.”

“I was forced to marry her, but it’s you that I love.”

“I’m in a sexless marriage, which I can’t abandon because of the attachment I have to my kids.”

“She’s just the mother of my kids.”

“I can’t let my wife stop me from finding my soulmate.”

“I live with my grandmother and two cousins.” The whole time, he’s referring to his wife and two sons.

They say all the above, and before you know it, his so-called housemate (wife) is pregnant with twins, and he’s showering her with love and calling her sweet names. After God, fear married men.

However, most wives don’t even know how romantic their husbands can get until they see all the things he does for the side chick. The good morning messages filled with love, the fancy trips, and flower bouquets

They say the nicest of words and do the most romantic things for their side chicks—things they hardly say or do for their own wives.

Why do married women attack the side chic instead of attacking the main culprit, who is her husband?

If you’re ever caught up in a side chick situation, ensure the man’s wife is not the kind that moves mad; otherwise, you will find yourself in an embarrassing situation.

Wives have made peace with the fact that their husbands are not inherently monogamous, and all they can say is “as long as he comes back home to me.”

A wife will still stand with her husband even when the world is against him, so what makes a side chic think anything is about to change? A man’s wife is his armor in times of conflict.

The wife is always a step or two ahead of the side chick; she knows how she treats her husband when he has “messed up,” which will determine how the world will treat him.

This is why you will find the wife taking it up with the side chicks instead of her husbands.

Hats off to married men; their strategy has them bagging more women than single men could.

Side Chicks need to pick a thing or two from men, put the emotions aside, and know when to apply logic and rational thinking.