Oh, it’s a boys’ trip; girlfriends and wives can’t come. Guess who else is in attendance: “Sister Wife”.

“Boys’ trip” clearly sounds like a cheating bonanza, and there’s a 95% chance he’s cheating.

I know it’s crazy to build a story like this, but with 3/5 boys’ trips, the boys will botch it up. We could build many cheating stories from the boys’ night out, but let’s keep to this particular scenario.

The sister wife always comes in handy during this time; she’s most certainly taking over your conjugal rights.

By now, you should know who a sister wife is. Sister wife is another name for a co-wife.

Many females have played the sister-wife part, knowingly or unknowingly. We all know what goes down during those 4- or 7-day trips, right? Ever wondered who your sister wife could be?

Any female who has a boys’ friend group she goes with everywhere knows the drill; the inside joke will only be understood by a few.

April Fools’ Day is every day on a man’s calendar. One thing these trips will teach you is that men are lying and cheating left, right, and centre.

When he says it’s a boys’ trip, he’s telling you he’s going to cheat the entire time, like you weren’t already in the know. Jokes on him.

As you pack his clothes for this fun-filled trip, you might as well throw in a few packs of condoms.

They are very careful when it’s picture time. You won’t be spotting a woman’s shoe or hand anywhere; the game is the game.

When you video call him and he claims you’re just being insecure, doesn’t that sound like a really big guilt trip?

You’re trying to convince yourself that he’s not like other men. Sorry to let the cat out of the bag; he’s only cheating, nothing serious.

Cheating is not an accident; falling off stairs is an accident. You don’t trip and fall into a vagina.

The bummer is him returning home and telling you how fun the trip was, leaving out the cheating part. His boys owe you no loyalty, so there won’t be a single snitch if you know, you know.

You can’t control your partner so much on what he can do and where he can go; if they want to cheat, they are going to cheat anyway.

This got me laughing like a drain. Ladies (fellow clowns), no wahala this December. Make a booking for a girls’ trip and have the last laugh.