Kampala will be turning tipsy-turvy this December as soon as the big birds start to touch the ground, bringing the routine baSummer.

BaSummer is a Ugandan term used to refer to Ugandans on holiday in Uganda, who live and work in foreign countries.

December is the biggest holiday in the year, celebrated by many which makes it a suitable month for their visit.

Checking up on family, and friends, home projects, partying and having a good time is always on their agenda, which is why a very large number of them flock to the country in this month.

Every December in Kampala is “Dirty December”, these high rollers will be going on rampage and the city will ask for water.

You think Kampala nightlife is already crazy? The baSummer’s landing will muddy the waters further.

If you have friends or family members returning for holiday, you might as well skip the rent for December because you will be forgetting the route to your house until Dirty December comes to an end.

The festive season is the time to witness the baSummer making a rare splurge on expensive food and bottles of alcohol. Hotel and bar businesses do make a killing in this season.

As soon as the baSummer land, Kampala girls will be switching sides, their usual Mezo Noir sponsors will be left feeling like a fish out of water.

Not forgetting the downside that comes with their return, you all must be used to their common lies “I had bought you a perfume, iPhone but it got misplaced at the airport.”

Apparently, they purchase something for everyone but somehow it always disappears into thin air once they land.

Our dear baSummer this excuse is outdated, let’s try to develop a new script.

Anyway, it’s the thought that counts, we shall be receiving the chocolates with open arms since It’s the only thing that never seems to get misplaced at the airport, funny, right?

Thanks to the baSummer’s spending culture, the country is able to keep its heads above water.

There’s always a boost in the economy when this group of people is around, kitufu sente muziteka mu circulation.

It’s always a fantastic couple of weeks but all good things must come to an end, by New Year’s, the majority are flying back to their places of work.

Warning to the prodigals; endeavour to book a return ticket, being an irresponsible spendthrift then asking for contributions to purchase an air ticket does not suit you.

For the banaKampala; party hard but don’t forget about January, stock up on food for the January season as early as now, lend me aka urgent 50k will not be working in 2024.

As much as we keep saying this year in, and year out, our reminders are like water off a duck’s back and come January you will still find Ugandans poor-mouthing.