Getting a table or parking space at Mezo Noir this year was a snowball’s chance in Hell, guess what? With this new spot, you may have to put in your reservation years earlier. Just kidding.

The Kampala Party crowd is always on the move; today it’s Guvnor, Illusion, Cielo, Molecule, and Mezo, and before you know it, most of these hangouts are now dead as dodos.

Then there’s you, who discovers an old place after the party animals have already moved to a new spot. Tag along; I am here to put you on.

Ugandans hype new hangouts and ditch them for the next thing. This explains why a bar is in business one year and goes down in flames the next.

This crowd makes a silent shift; people realize that the migration has happened months later. Only those who know, know.

You might be wondering where the Snapchat crowd is currently hanging out. Time to spill the beans: Noni Vie Lounge & Restaurant is the place.

Noni- Vie is not just a place; it’s a sanctuary where luxury takes center stage. Need I say more?

Noni Vie Lounge & Restaurant

Noni Vie Lounge & Restaurant: “Nestled at the crossroads of opulence and nightlife, we are an upcoming establishment that embodies the essence of premium hospitality. We seamlessly blend the finest flavors with a vibrant nocturnal ambiance, creating a haven where luxury takes center stage”.

Their website and social media are mysterious, and I bet we all enjoy a little bit of mystery. This new spot may be the best thing since sliced bread.

With their strict time schedules, I wonder if our Ugandans who are used to African time will make it. In Uganda, when you say 4 p.m., they think you mean 5 p.m.

Noni Vie Lounge & Restaurant

When you make a reservation, ensure that you keep time. If you leave 20 minutes past the booking time, the reservation will be cancelled. Good luck going by African time.

The scarcity principle in social psychology comes into play; consumers place a higher value on goods that are scarce than on goods that are abundant.

Luxury is silent, and that’s probably why most of you have not heard about this place. Being the snitch, I’m here to tip you off before you miss the boat.

Since money is not a problem for Ugandans when it comes to enjoying life, it might be hard to maintain a specific class of people.

Noni Vie Lounge & Restaurant

The trend of people sticking to one hangout is The “Twelveth of Never”, factoring in those who might not even like the new place but just jump on the bandwagon.

For my nonchalant people, the rules and hustle when it comes to getting in are as much use as a chocolate teapot; you might as well stick to your old hangouts.

Kampala nightlife is straining the bank balance, but you only have one life; enjoy it, abana bananywa obujji.