On Saturday, November 25, 2023, Shamilah formally introduced Hon. Muhammad Nsereko to her parents in a lavish Kwanjula ceremony in Kajjansi.

Shamilla is currently the third wife of Kampala Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Muhammad Nsereko.

The traditional marriage ceremony comes after Hon. Nsereko’s previous second Kwanjula ceremony to Fatia L. Amanda, which took place in August 2021 at her parent’s home in Lutembe, Entebbe Road.

Fatia L. Amanda comes after the first official wife, with whom he had four children.

Let’s first ignore the fact that Nsereko is a groom every 3 business days. Why did the bride change into a wedding gown on a kwanjula?

Are we missing something? Is there a mix-up? Is this a new trend we are unaware of?

This move leaves us confused. As far as we know, brides wear traditional outfits such as gomesi and omushanana for traditional weddings.

A wedding dress is a beautiful dream and every girl dreams of wearing it to find her own fairy tale story. Maybe the bride should have waited until the official wedding to honour the beautiful symbolic gown.