Apologists for deadbeat dads have been defending Maulana Kasozi and criticising the mother of his children for his public arrest due to failure to pay child support.   

The court has denied him bail and he has been remanded to Luzira Prison for 6 months unless he pays ten million in cash.

He has since been released after paying the money.

Maulana nonchalantly talked about his attempt to escape arrest before the police officers and court bailiffs got him.

Society needs to stop promoting these vices because if people are not called out for their inappropriate behaviour, then what example are we setting for those that will come after us.

We often hear people say ‘All men are like this’. Narcissistic abusers are roaming the streets because this kind of abuse has been normalised.

This is a pattern that abusive people show and to be an abusive person you have to have empathy deficits.

Getting justice is well known for the amount of red tape involved which can be frustrating.

Involving the media and general public made his baby mama’s attempt a piece of cake given that Maulana is a well-known comedian.

As much as people are criticizing her for bringing this out in the open, she must have been pushed to the wall given that her landlord had given her an ultimatum to either clear her rent arrears or vacate the premises.

Being an involved dad is not only easy for fathers who have money or employment, it is a choice one makes regardless of the financial bracket they fall in.