Fans get excited when they find two celebrities dating each other. Etania is possibly going through the celebrity dating pool in Kampala which we all know is minuscule.

There’s not a big pool of good men in the Ugandan music industry, Joshua Baraka seems to be one of the few good men left and hopefully, he won’t show Etania premium shege just like her past relationship did.

Celebrities are dating each other for ten minutes and be on to the next, At least we forget the Daddy Andrea, Nina Rose and Angela Katatumba saga, this trio takes the crown for most scandalous celebrity dating. 

Just like Shiela Gashumba maintained relevance by going through the Ugandan celebrity pool of dating, Etania may be following in her footsteps.

Celebrities always get attention when they date each other which is of course the oldest trick in the book. Whenever they are feeling forgotten, this is the quickest way to regain relevance, Baraka is on the winning end here.

The celebrity dating pool is shrinking on a daily, we don’t find many celebrities dating each other these days which is why Etania and Baraka are making headlines.

We should be happy for the love doves and also give them a little space to enjoy their Cherry blossom season.